Elaine Paige I don’t listen to so much music now. I did when I was younger. Music is so much part of my work. I like peace and quiet now when I go home. – Elaine Paige Listen Quotes Music Quotes Peace Quotes Quiet Quotes Evita’ obviously would always be very special to me because it was the first major musical that I did on stage and created in the U.K. with Hal Prince directing. If you are in a play, and you catch a cold, you are able to muddle through. If you are carrying a musical, it’s a different thing altogether. It’s the great fear of any singer’s life.
John Cornwell There was a time when papal encyclicals were treated as virtual pronouncements of papal infallibility. There are still a small minority of Catholics who cite Pope Paul VI’s 1968 document Humanae Vitae – which outlawed artificial birth control – as the word of God. – John Cornwell
Dinesh Paliwal I seldom watch TV, but I often get caught up in cricket no matter what time they are on. – Dinesh Paliwal
Elizabeth Edwards I was an English major in college, and then I went to graduate school in English at the University of North Carolina for three years. – Elizabeth Edwards
Lights I can’t be like, ‘This week I’m going to be a musician, and next week I’m going to be a mom.’ It has to be a little bit of everything, every day, all of the time. – Lights
Joanna Garcia I live at Gap Kids; I think they have the cutest stuff. I barely buy anything for myself, but my daughter has quite the collection. – Joanna Garcia
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