Clare Balding I don’t make decisions for money or popularity. I do things because they’re right for me, and they’re interesting and challenging. – Clare Balding Challenging Quotes Decisions Quotes Money Quotes Popularity Quotes When you’re little, your father is your hero. Mine was. Then it all becomes more complicated. Dad is a really surprising guy. Every time I think he’s going to be useless, he ends up doing something amazing and saying exactly the right thing.
Julian Edelman Go out and do your drills that you do to try to get better. You lift your weights, try to take things from the classroom to grass, try to get better every day. – Julian Edelman
Michael Imperioli Back 20 years ago, there was a division between movie actors and TV actors. That’s kind of gone away. People who have had a lot of success in movies in the past now want to be on TV. There used to be much more of a quality division between TV and movies, and that’s kind of not the case anymore. – Michael Imperioli
Nick Frost I don’t describe myself as a sociable person now. I can be quite… you know… grumpy? Is that a word? I guess I can be a bit grumpy. – Nick Frost
Ron Mael When we first started in Los Angeles, we thought of ourselves in our own delusional way as being a British band, even though we’d never been to England at that point, so musically it’s kind of sometimes hard to place where we’re from. – Ron Mael
Rachel Khoo I’m less Soho House these days, more Airbnb. It’s just so useful to have a washing machine, or to rock up somewhere with a baby bed and all the other kit provided. – Rachel Khoo
Andrea Dworkin While gossip among women is universally ridiculed as low and trivial, gossip among men, especially if it is about women, is called theory, or idea, or fact. – Andrea Dworkin
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