Sugata Mitra I don’t mind children cribbing answers off other children. It’s one of the ways they can learn. I also don’t think there should be too many constraints on what they can look at on the Internet. – Sugata Mitra Answers Quotes Children Quotes Constraints Quotes Cribbing Quotes Internet Quotes Learn Quotes Mind Quotes It would be better, in a way, if any adults present were completely uneducated. There is nothing children like more than passing on information they have just discovered to people who may not already have it – an elderly grandmother, for instance. Go to a job interview and tell and employer that you can recite the 17 times table; they don’t care. Why are we still teaching it?
Benjamin Cohen I can remember how rude I could be at times to journalists and people phoning up for advice. – Benjamin Cohen
Kenneth Cole I came to realize that the law is about a book of rules, and he who learns them best, and is the most creative in interpreting them, goes furthest. – Kenneth Cole
Brad Tavares I always thought fighting was fun, so I joined a gym and took it serious. I never actually thought I would be a real fighter, though. But I began to excel on the local circuit and I did well for myself. – Brad Tavares
Lou Duva Why would anyone expect Tyson to come out smarter? He went to prison for four years, not Princeton. – Lou Duva
Jessica Simpson At school my boobs were bigger than all my friends’ and I was afraid to show them. Now, I feel they make my outfits look better. They’re like an accessory. – Jessica Simpson
Diana Nyad I swam. We made it, our team, from the rocks of Cuba to the beach of Florida, in squeaky-clean, ethical fashion. – Diana Nyad
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