Bill Forsyth I don’t really enjoy filming. – Bill Forsyth Enjoy Quotes Filming Quotes I’m not fond of any of my films in an intimate way, but Gregory’s Girl would be number 4 on my list. I’d made these experimental films but I thought the major chore of a filmmaker was to relate to actors.
Bruce Greenwood Did I get jiggy with Will? I would have to say no! Did I have fun with Will? I would have to say yeah! But you know, I did not jig with the man, if you know what I’m saying! – Bruce Greenwood
Owen Hart I love working in Canada. The ovation is great. It makes me feel like I’m the top dog. – Owen Hart
Ron Shock I can’t write a joke. I could never write. I do a lot of stories and I call them stories, but they’re just comedy recitals on a given subject. – Ron Shock
ArchitectureComputersSussanne Khan Yes, my children are fascinated by design of technology and computers. And I am very happy with that. Today design is a wide world; it doesn’t have to be interiors or architecture. It could be anything. – Sussanne Khan
Giles Duley Alfred Hitchcock had to find ways to create tension without showing it, but now with computer-generated effects you can show anything. – Giles Duley
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