Chance The Rapper I don’t really like meetings, I like recording and performing music. I need to set myself up for when the time does come that I need better distribution or just a bigger team behind me. – Chance The Rapper Bigger Quotes Distribution Quotes Meetings Quotes Music Quotes Performing Quotes Recording Quotes Set Quotes Team Quotes Time Quotes The whole point of ‘Acid Rap’ was just to ask people a question: does the music business side of this dictate what type of project this is? If it’s all original music and it’s got this much emotion around it and it connects this way with this many people, is it a mixtape? What’s an ‘album’ these days, anyways? God and my dad gave me the gift of gab. I know how to finagle.
Mike O'Malley I did the commencement speech at UNH in 2006, and one of the biggest jokes was a ‘Guts’ joke. – Mike O’Malley
Jaggi Vasudev Trees are our closest relatives. What trees exhale, we inhale; what we exhale, they inhale. They are half our respiratory system. – Jaggi Vasudev
Bernardo Bertolucci I was writing poems when I was young, you know, because my father was a poet, so it was absolutely normal to follow my father. – Bernardo Bertolucci
Bill Haslam At the end of the day, I’m certainly hopeful they can leave some time to focus on Tennessee history. But we understand the struggle when it comes to curriculum time and what you just physically don’t have time for. – Bill Haslam
Bubba Wallace The encounters I had were very few, but they were powerful. The negative encounters I’ve had with law enforcement were very few, but they stood out. – Bubba Wallace
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