Nick Denton I don’t really mind playing tabloid monster. I always liked those characters in the old movies. – Nick Denton Characters Quotes Mind Quotes Monster Quotes Movies Quotes Playing Quotes Tabloid Quotes There was a rivalry – and some pie-throwing. But that was probably because Gawker and Radar had more in common than they wanted to admit. Each was the other’s future. Radar served up the exclusives I always envied. Gawker was actually comfortable on the web, in the medium Radar should have made its own. Henry Blodget does occasionally have a new idea. If you’re making a point about aggregation or the emptiness of modern journalism, he’s far from the best target. Try Huffpo – or Gawker writers whose souls have been corroded by irony.
Ashley Roberts I’m delighted to be the face of the Garnier No Streak Bronzer Self Tan Range. – Ashley Roberts
Jud Wilhite If we have to sum up the Book of Revelation in one phrase, it would be, ‘Jesus wins.’ – Jud Wilhite
David Millar The first time I rode a bike I was four or five. I crashed into the back of a car. – David Millar
Ian Dunbar Training a dog, to me, is on a par with learning to dance with my wife or teaching my son to ski. These are fun things we do together. If anyone even talks about dominating the dog or hurting him or fighting him or punishing him, don’t go there. – Ian Dunbar
Jane Hawking I don’t think of my life as having two marriages; I think of it as a continuum. – Jane Hawking
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