Renzo Piano I don’t remember a single thing in my childhood that was not related in some way to building. – Renzo Piano Building Quotes Childhood Quotes Remember Quotes Single Quotes A piazza is not a plaza. The plaza is the theme park of the piazza; the plaza is the commercial version. A piazza is an empty space with no function. This is what Europeans understand. Architects have to dream. We have to search for our Atlantises, to be explorers, adventurers, and yet to build responsibly and well.
Jonathan Dimbleby In the world in which we live, truth is an ancillary virtue, but it shouldn’t be. – Jonathan Dimbleby
Joe Bonamassa There was a rumour that I was buying Gibson. It circulated around the Internet… And I just go, ‘How well off do you think I am?’ I play blues-rock for a living. It’s like a vow of poverty. – Joe Bonamassa
Rain Dove I want to tell people that there are more ways to be beautiful, there are more ways to be handsome. – Rain Dove
Keri Smith The virtual world can never be a substitute for real world experience. And the more it takes over our lives, the more we forget to feel the sun on our skin, the more we forget that there is an entire universe to be discovered even during a 10 minute walk to work. – Keri Smith
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