Newt Gingrich I don’t see how the party that says it’s the party of the family is going to adopt an immigration policy which destroys families that have been here a quarter century. – Newt Gingrich Adopt Quotes Century Quotes Destroys Quotes Families Quotes Family Quotes Immigration Quotes Party Quotes Policy Quotes Quarter Quotes The government shut down 12 times under Democratic House Speaker Tip O’Neill. It was only shut down twice while I was speaker. The time has come to tell the truth about the corruption of the government employee unions in this country.
Anohni My being bought as a politically outspoken artist is a more potent advertising tool for Apple than a 100 more explicit ads. – Anohni
Shabazz Muhammad I want to be an NBA all-star and help my team win. That’s what it’s all about, is winning. I’m a competitor… People said a lot about me being selfish and stuff like that. Getting into the league, I can’t wait to shut that down. I’m a guy who wants to play and to win and love my teammates. – Shabazz Muhammad
Joe Slovo However, the combination of civil resistance, of large-scale mass activities and strikes, with a certain degree of revolutionary violence, could provoke a crisis in the enemy’s camp that would ultimately lead to essential changes. – Joe Slovo
CourageFearLeonardo da VinciLife Just as courage imperils life, fear protects it. – Leonardo da Vinci
Henri Coanda I imagine a future aircraft, which will take off vertically, fly as usual, and land vertically. This flying machine should have no moving parts. This idea came from the huge power of cyclones. – Henri Coanda
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