Elizabeth Banks I don’t stay in my trailer. I like to sit in video village, probably to the annoyance of some producers and directors, because they really love to talk about actors, and they can’t in front of me. – Elizabeth Banks Actors Quotes Annoyance Quotes Directors Quotes Love Quotes Producers Quotes Sit Quotes Stay Quotes Talk Quotes Trailer Quotes Video Quotes Village Quotes I like entertaining people. I want to make big entertainment. Some big actresses told me a few things that inspired me. One said that the biggest challenge for a female actress was to make sure they are not profoundly bored. Another told me to just do whatever you want – do anything.
Michelle Wolf The thing that’s frustrating about improv is that even if you have the best show in the world, it’s over when it’s over. You get to build stand-up – I really like that aspect of it. I like writing jokes, and you don’t get to do that in improv. – Michelle Wolf
Tammy Bruce When the courts decide that murderers, rapists, and others who maliciously break our social contract deserve health care that most working Americans can’t afford, they are condemning good people to death. – Tammy Bruce
ChristmasHilary Farr When my, British-Church of England mother married my, Canadian-Jewish Father, the deal was that she would embrace Judaism, but wouldn’t give up her Christmas tree. So, I grew up with Christmas every year. I loved it then and I love it now. – Hilary Farr
David Fincher The fact is, you don’t know what directing is until the sun is setting and you’ve got to get five shots and you’re only going to get two. – David Fincher
AmazingBruno Ganz People in planes said: ‘Ah, no need to be afraid, because with you here, nothing can happen. Now we are safe.’ Or a mother said to her child: ‘Look, there’s your guardian angel.’ They weren’t joking. That was an amazing feeling. I loved that. Because that means much more than people saying, ‘You are a very good actor,’ or ‘I love your work.’ – Bruno Ganz
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