Kate Beckinsale I don’t tend to do much with my lips. My lips are naturally very pink, so if I add any more colour, it looks like I’ve been smacked in the mouth! – Kate Beckinsale Add Quotes Colour Quotes Lips Quotes Mouth Quotes Naturally Quotes Pink Quotes Smacked Quotes Tend Quotes I was a very difficult child, and the time I spent reading was about the only peace I gave my mother. I dropped out of Oxford, and now I only speak Russian with the woman who gives me a bikini-wax. See what Hollywood does to you?
Sara Rue Carrying my own show again is exactly what I want to do. I loved my experience on ‘Less Than Perfect’ so much and I would like something like that again. I love half hour – I feel like it’s where my heart and soul is somehow. It’s the perfect combination of fun and light and extremely challenging. – Sara Rue
Adrian Belew We expect to keep our writing sessions going until late spring, then to play some new material in a few secret club dates. The record will likely take a long time and may not surface until 1999! – Adrian Belew
Ronnie Coleman For the most part, I would say that I have always had a great love for the sport, just doing what I do. I think my success could be greatly attributed to that. I don’t look at it like it’s a job or anything like that. Its more like a hobby, something I have fun doing. – Ronnie Coleman
Anita Bryant I was naive and ignorant. I’ll never be like that again. But I can’t go back. I’ve come out. I can’t stick my head in the sand ever again. – Anita Bryant
Lara Trump Teenagers should never fear for their safety when they join their families to support – or oppose – the President. – Lara Trump
Colton UnderwoodPet I’m such an impulse buyer. I once went into a pet store for dog food and left with a fish tank and five fish. And yes, of course I forgot to buy dog food. – Colton Underwood
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