FunnyJeremy Clarkson I don’t think I am particularly funny. In fact, I know I’m not. – Jeremy Clarkson Funny Quotes It seems like everybody’s perception of me is very bipolar. To one group, it’s overpaid, overrated; to another group, it’s underpaid, underrated, underdog. It’s funny to me because there’s no real balance. Crashing is never funny, but sometimes you can jump up, laugh at your stupidity, and go, ‘What the hell was that?’
Michael Novak Our political institutions work remarkably well. They are designed to clang against each other. The noise is democracy at work. – Michael Novak
Sandra Brown Yes, I love my homes, I love to travel, I love my family, and I love doting on my new grandchildren. But you can only do so much of that. I don’t go to lunch with friends. I don’t join clubs. I don’t have any big hobbies. I work. I come up with stories. I can’t even imagine a life where I’m not sitting around, worried about my next book. – Sandra Brown
Mario Lemieux My son, he is the reason I got involved. It’s been a joy to be around him and teach him the stuff that I know, and to the other kids as well. When he started playing I wanted to be involved in his hockey career. It’s a lot of fun for both of us. – Mario Lemieux
Jim Harrison The fact is, the media never gets off the interstate unless there’s a major explosion. – Jim Harrison
BestGoodMotivationalSt Jerome Good, better, best. Never let it rest. ‘Til your good is better and your better is best. – St Jerome
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