Chelsea Handler I don’t think I’m a good host. I’m not a good host. I’m terrible at hosting. That’s my problem. – Chelsea Handler Host Quotes Hosting Quotes Terrible Quotes Seeing your parents fall apart is really rough. I wouldn’t wish it on anybody. There are times I felt insecure or not sure: I’m unsure of myself, or I get nervous, but nerves are good. I try and embrace all those things. I try and embrace the times where I’m not sure of myself or I’m like, ‘Is this going to work? Is this going to land?’
Son Ye-jin I was never a good student. But I wrote acting notes every day and prepared for my next shoots diligently. – Son Ye-jin
Nolan Gould My dad was in the military. It was difficult sometimes, because he would have to be away a lot, and we would have to move around a lot. Trying to adapt to new schools and new places can be really tough. – Nolan Gould
Miguel de Unamuno We need God, not in order to understand the why, but in order to feel and sustain the ultimate wherefore, to give a meaning to the universe. – Miguel de Unamuno
Sasha Velour I have an art magazine about drag called ‘Velour,’ named after myself, and I have a monthly show called ‘Nightgowns’ that curates and presents some of the most creative and high-quality drag in a professional theater setting. – Sasha Velour
David Shulkin What we know about American medicine is that our supply of health-care professionals is not equally distributed. In rural areas, we have severe shortages. – David Shulkin
John Sandford I’ve always had a fascination with the technical and small-scale aspects of life – the national media seem to have more interest in the sweeping political views. – John Sandford
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