Charlie Baker I don’t think it’s appropriate for people who are citizens of Massachusetts to be waiting in line when folks who aren’t citizens access benefits. – Charlie Baker Access Quotes Benefits Quotes Citizens Quotes Folks Quotes Massachusetts Quotes People Quotes Waiting Quotes The Democrats for the most part want to raise taxes, we don’t. I would argue that the charter schools are really good at building programming and curriculum around the issues and the interests of the kids that they serve.
Nadine Labaki Cinema is not only about making people dream. It’s about changing things and making people think. – Nadine Labaki
IntelligenceKate Crawford Like all technologies before it, artificial intelligence will reflect the values of its creators. So inclusivity matters – from who designs it to who sits on the company boards and which ethical perspectives are included. – Kate Crawford
Skepta There would be weeks when I’d just go to Paris on a cheap ticket, sleep on my friend’s floor, and just do a show because I knew I was going to do a show. Do it, get home, see it on my timeline, and be happy that I was just working. – Skepta
Bill Ward I think that drummers have come a long way, but they haven’t forgotten players like Gene Krupa, or the other jazz players. – Bill Ward
Adrian BelewAnniversary I didn’t make my first solo record until 1981 so I don’t have any 60’s or 70’s recordings but I am working on a large boxed set called DUST to be released next year, the 20th anniversary of my first solo record. – Adrian Belew
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