Richard Marx I don’t think I’ve ever laid out a batch of songs that pick myself apart the way that these do. – Richard Marx Batch Quotes Laid Quotes Pick Quotes Songs Quotes My joke, which isn’t really a joke, is that there will be one of two tours: the tour for the album that does well, or the tour for the album that stiffs. I understand that, but this disc shows the type of music that I’ve always liked and wanted to make.
J Carter Brown The Washingtonian said it shouldn’t be built. The gallery’s East Building is now considered a triumph, and members of the American Association of Architects have voted it one of the best buildings of all time. – J Carter Brown
Romesh Ranganathan People assume that your audience is full of people who love you. But, typically, it’s one person in four who’s chosen to come and has convinced some other people to go with them. – Romesh Ranganathan
Lance Loud Gay culture is in a coming-out process of its own. From out of the closets in the ’60s, the culture moved onto the disco floors of the ’70s and through the hospital wards of the ’80s and onwards to the streets. – Lance Loud
Phoebe Robinson Say what you want about Maroon 5 not making music like the kind found on ‘Songs About Jane,’ the fact remains that they know how to write a really good pop song that highlights lead singer Adam Levine’s falsetto. – Phoebe Robinson
Ryan Kwanten I never want to be that guy at a dinner table saying, ‘I wish I could have dessert.’ I actually went through a stage when I would order dessert first. – Ryan Kwanten
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