Edwin Catmull I don’t think most of our films should be realistic, but you want that as an artistic possibility. Then, the artist can take the realism of the world and push it in ways that we can connect with. – Edwin Catmull Artist Quotes Artistic Quotes Connect Quotes Films Quotes Possibility Quotes Push Quotes Realism Quotes Realistic Quotes Lucasfilm has always had an openness to technology. We’ll fund a project even if I’m skeptical because I’d rather be proven wrong by somebody on the inside than by somebody on the outside.
Jane AustenWomen Good-humoured, unaffected girls, will not do for a man who has been used to sensible women. They are two distinct orders of being. – Jane Austen
Joseph Wapner When ‘The People’s Court’ came along, I had an opportunity to really teach people about law. It was very important to me. – Joseph Wapner
John C ReillyTeacher Actually, acting turned out to be the perfect job for me, because I had a lot of different interests. I thought about being a priest at one point. I thought about being a teacher. I thought about being a lawyer. But I think acting is probably the best job for me. – John C Reilly
Richard Avedon Real people move, they bear with them the element of time. It is this fourth dimension of people that I try to capture in a photograph. – Richard Avedon
Michael Hirst I felt that a lot of Viking culture had been caricatured and misconstrued. After all, they were far more democratic than the Saxons and the Francs, who were exercising really hierarchical social structures at that time. The Vikings had popular meetings where everything could be discussed. – Michael Hirst
Nostradamus That which neither weapon nor flame could accomplish will be achieved by a sweet speaking tongue in council. – Nostradamus
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