Amy Heckerling I don’t think people know ‘Nosfuratu.’ – Amy Heckerling Nosfuratu Quotes People Quotes To tell you the truth, in the old Jewish shtetls, if your husband died, sometimes they’d have you marry the brother, and my grandparents were actually stepbrother and stepsister. Bitterness is so ugly.
GoodVincent Tan No matter how much good you do, there will always be a few per cent of people who don’t support you. – Vincent Tan
Laurie Holden I don’t want my tombstone to say actress. I want it to say human being. – Laurie Holden
Ann Landers Class is the sure-footedness that comes with having proved you can meet life. – Ann Landers
Claire Wineland I don’t spend any time thinking about the day that I’m cured, or the day that I’m healthier, and that’s because I know that on a certain level it doesn’t matter. – Claire Wineland
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