Quentin Tarantino I don’t think Pulp Fiction is hard to watch at all. – Quentin Tarantino Fiction Quotes Hard Quotes Pulp Quotes Watch Quotes My parents said, Oh, he’s going to be a director someday. I wanted to be an actor. Truth be told, actually, my favorite director of the Movie Brats was not Scorsese. Loved him. But my favorite director of the Movie Brats was Brian de Palma. I actually met De Palma right after I’d done ‘Reservoir Dogs,’ and I was very beside myself.
Robert Scoble Turn on all security features like two-factor authentication. People who do that generally don’t get hacked. Don’t care? You will when you get hacked. Do the same for your email and other social services, too. – Robert Scoble
Ed Harris I listen to National Public Radio, which, to me at least, presents the most rounded view of things. – Ed Harris
Layne Staley Whatever dramas are going on in my life, I always find that place inside my head where I see myself as the cleanest, tallest, strongest, wisest person that I can be. – Layne Staley
Steve Zahn I moved to New York to do theater, and I got cast in a play that was funny, and then I was the funny guy. I did a movie that was funny, and then I was the funny guy. – Steve Zahn
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