Bob Mortimer I don’t think ‘Shooting Stars’ has ever successfully been replaced. – Bob Mortimer Replaced Quotes Shooting Quotes Stars Quotes We’ve ignored audiences all these years. We’ve just amused ourselves and hoped enough people would want to eavesdrop to make it all viable. You know the thing I liked about fishing when I was 14 was being out with your mates mucking about, throwing bread around, getting a bit wet maybe.
Peter Morgan If you have distance from the events, then your story can work as an analogy or parable rather than its literal narrative. – Peter Morgan
Andy Taylor If you were looking at where you would like your career to go, then you would have to cherry pick The Stones. People love coming to see them. They are it, they are the most definitive rock n roll band ever. – Andy Taylor
Antonio Garcia Martinez Converting Facebook data into money is harder than it sounds, mostly because the vast bulk of your user data is worthless. Turns out your blotto-drunk party pics and flirty co-worker messages have no commercial value whatsoever. – Antonio Garcia Martinez
Scott Weiss I see many founders waste too much time trying to work their networks and/or ultimately settle for mediocre but available candidates. You will definitely have to interview hard for cultural fit, but the best talent isn’t cheap. – Scott Weiss
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