Peter Paige I don’t think we set out to make it the most intense ‘Fosters’ finale ever, but I kind of think that’s what we ended up with. – Peter Paige Finale Quotes Fosters Quotes Intense Quotes Set Quotes There’s always hope in ‘The Fosters.’ These are fundamentally good people who are all trying their best and making some terrible, terrible decisions, but they’re trying their best. And there’s always hope for those people. I’m interested in the ways that we’re all broken.
Elias Hicks I delight not in spreading any thing mysterious, for I consider it all lost time; but the things that all of us can see and know if we will. – Elias Hicks
Ross Mathews I’ve met Oprah Winfrey twice, but I want to spend some quality time with her. I want to sit her down and talk at her for a minute about what she means to me and why she means that. Then I have some advice for her, too… I have an idea or two. – Ross Mathews
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