Andrew Eldritch I don’t trawl record shops anymore. I usually hear music in bars or at friends’ houses. – Andrew Eldritch Bars Quotes Friends Quotes Hear Quotes Houses Quotes Music Quotes Record Quotes Shops Quotes Trawl Quotes I have no musical talent at all. I was banned from music classes and told I would never be able to understand anything. I still don’t think I can sing, but somehow I get away with it. I don’t enjoy British shows as a rule because British audiences are strange.
Dick Powell The best thing about switching from being an actor to being a director is that you don’t have to shave or hold your stomach in anymore. – Dick Powell
Jim Caviezel Every day I’m trying to be more humble and how do you do that? I guess, every day, we have mass. Every day, I pray the rosary. That’s what I do. – Jim Caviezel
Michael Badnarik Gun bans disarm victims, putting them at the mercy of murderers or terrorists who think nothing of breaking the gun laws. – Michael Badnarik
Ayelet Shaked Anyone who has followed my work knows that I’m an advocate of reducing the power of the High Court of Justice, according to the principle of separation of powers. – Ayelet Shaked
Freddie Mercury I want to lead the Victorian life, surrounded by exquisite clutter. – Freddie Mercury
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