Neill Blomkamp I don’t want egos and personalities on the set that make it more difficult to make the film. I don’t want people who take the focus away from the movie and the ideas behind the movie. – Neill Blomkamp Difficult Quotes Egos Quotes Film Quotes Focus Quotes Ideas Quotes Movie Quotes People Quotes Personalities Quotes Set Quotes I like where we’re going with technology and global integration, but the fact that corporations and dollars rule everything in our lives, I don’t like it. This isn’t the Hollywood I wanted to be part of. I think the reason you use an actor is if they are right for the role. Most of the high-profile stars tend to be good actors. That’s probably what led to their fame. So if they are right for the movie, you can certainly use them. But I don’t want to, not at all. Stardom and Hollywood overpower the ideas and the film.
Chris Thile I certainly love the bluegrass ensemble, I think it’s a powerful tool, but I don’t think it’s more than a tool. – Chris Thile
Milton Berle People say I owe a lot to television. The fact is I was a star long before television. What TV made me is unemployed. – Milton Berle
CarThomas Frey We will never get to the flying car era. We will get to the era where we get flying drones that haul people, though. – Thomas Frey
Neeraj Kabi I’ve always looked towards mainstream. Many offers have come but they’ve been the wrong kind of offers. They are not the right business decisions for me to take. – Neeraj Kabi
Dick Van Dyke But I wish they would make a musical of some kind. I miss musicals so much. You don’t see them anymore. – Dick Van Dyke
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