Ben Casnocha I don’t want to be normal. I want to be something else. – Ben Casnocha Normal Quotes I really focused on three things in high school – my company, basketball and my school work. Talk to people no one else is talking to. Who would have thought that giving a speech at a funeral at age 12 would introduce me to a man who would introduce me to my first business contact who would introduce me to several other important people in my life. That’s luck. That’s randomness.
Danielle Schneider I miss Lisa ‘Left Eye’ every day. Watched her VH1 special many times. A tragedy. But I didn’t see the movie based on her. – Danielle Schneider
Daniel H Pink A lot of white-collar work requires less of the routine, rule-based, what we might call algorithmic set of capabilities, and more of the harder-to-outsource, harder-to-automate, non-routine, creative, juristic – as the scholars call it – abilities. – Daniel H Pink
Perfume Genius I don’t know if I could write a pop song without at least a little touch of bite in it, and it’s usually not a bite that most people would want to sing. – Perfume Genius
Richard Hell I felt just overwhelmed by input: the Vietnam war and the collapse of the ’60s and the proliferation of media’ it just felt like everything was too much to handle and you just tuned out. – Richard Hell
John Sayles There were not fifteen people in the story department and twenty-five producers and stuff. And Roger had produced 1,000 movies and directed a couple of hundred, and their comments were always very, very specific. – John Sayles
Marie Lu I have an obsession with describing hair. I don’t know why – hair is just really pretty. – Marie Lu
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