John Hughes I don’t want to be too cool. You get so caught up with whether you’re doing it right. – John Hughes Caught Quotes Cool Quotes I didn’t have this tortured childhood; I liked it. I used to judge the quality of music by whether I could make a 90-minute cassette and not repeat any artists.
Nadine Coyle Sweetest High’ is for the clubs, that’s what it was for. It wasn’t supposed to be anything serious. – Nadine Coyle
GovernmentRush Limbaugh You know why there’s a Second Amendment? In case the government fails to follow the first one. – Rush Limbaugh
Jonathan Galassi Poetry is not mainstream, but then neither is serious fiction, really. But I don’t think there’s a lot to worry about in this particular ‘problem’. Why does art have to be mainstream to be significant? – Jonathan Galassi
Marcia Gay Harden A New York casting director, who shall remain nameless, once said to me, ‘Marcia, you have what I call the flaring-nostril look, and until you get something done about it, you will never, ever work.’ – Marcia Gay Harden
Frankie Ballard I collect hotel keys. I hope to make something out of them someday. It would be cool to make a bar at my house and, like, the bar is all the hotel keys: lay them down and put glass over them. Or maybe even a coffee table. – Frankie Ballard
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