Chris Tarrant I don’t want to go back to Capital Radio. I don’t want to go back to rolling in custard with Sheena Easton and Annie Lennox. – Chris Tarrant Annie Quotes Capital Quotes Custard Quotes Easton Quotes Lennox Quotes Radio Quotes Rolling Quotes Sheena Quotes There’s no point in doing an intelligent quiz with me sitting opposite Kerry Katona. No, I’m very patriotic. I’m very British and I’m very pro-British, but that in no way means you therefore exterminate anybody else you meet who doesn’t come from Britain!
Ann Coulter If we took away women’s right to vote, we’d never have to worry about another Democrat president. – Ann Coulter
Chris Morocco Surprisingly, fish works great for sheet pan dinners because it cooks quickly through direct pan contact. – Chris Morocco
NatureVoltaire We are all full of weakness and errors; let us mutually pardon each other our follies – it is the first law of nature. – Voltaire
Leroy Chiao I hope that China will continue with space exploration. It would be logical to have international co-operation. I hope that it will come about and that I can be involved in it. – Leroy Chiao
Andreas Antonopoulos It will take time for the idea of decentralized trust through computation to become a part of mainstream consciousness, and until then, the idea creates cognitive dissonance for those accustomed to centralized trust systems. – Andreas Antonopoulos
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