Lance Bass I don’t want to have so many exes. – Lance Bass Exes Quotes I’m a serial dater. When I see someone I like, we go on multiple dates. I’m a Southerner. We dream of having the family and the kids, and the parents want grandkids, that’s all they care about, give me some grandbabies.
Devi Sri Prasad Any song has to be catchy. People think class films are tough and mass films come easy. But that’s not true. – Devi Sri Prasad
Francisco Goldman My earliest memories of going to Fenway with my father are a blur: many games, me too young to care, but aware that our team ‘stunk.’ In those years, the 1960s, the Red Sox baseball card I always coveted most was not Carl Yastrzemski’s but the far more ordinary Felix Mantilla’s. – Francisco Goldman
InspirationalNoel Gallagher I don’t dislike rappers or hip-hop or people who like it. I went to the Def Jam tour in Manchester in the ’80s when rap was inspirational. Public Enemy were awesome. But it’s all about status and bling now, and it doesn’t say anything to me. – Noel Gallagher
Nayeon Living with eight other people teaches you what to give up and what to take from others, and you have to appreciate each other. – Nayeon
Serinda Swan I’ve never heard of a size 0 or a negative human. That’s hard. A lot of girls aren’t naturally built that way. – Serinda Swan
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