Dev Hynes I don’t want to say I hate remixes, because I don’t, but I hate what instantly comes to mind now when people say ‘remixes.’ – Dev Hynes Hate Quotes Instantly Quotes Mind Quotes People Quotes Remixes Quotes Cello is my first instrument, then piano, drums, bass, violin, recorder, saxophone, but I’d never play them live! Chamalkay’ is an old Guyanese slang word. It means a ‘young mischievous girl.’ It’s not derogatory, but it isn’t over complimentary, either. It was probably a word I just Googled one day, and the song kind of played into the feel of that.
Natalie Dormer What makes me really happy is a walk in the English countryside. A nice sunset, that British countryside – it means I’m home. – Natalie Dormer
Evan McMullin I do believe that power needs to be returned to the states. I think that we’ve got way too much power in Washington. This is where I’m focused: way too much power in Washington. – Evan McMullin
Ronald Acuna Jr To me, the way I look at every spring training and every time I’m out there, I’m trying to earn a job. – Ronald Acuna Jr
Ronaldinho My game is based on improvisation. Often, a forward does not have the time to think too much. You have a second, rarely more, to decide whether to dribble, shoot or pass to the right or left. It is instinct that gives the orders. – Ronaldinho
Jaggi Vasudev My vision for the country is to urbanise rural areas. What is available in the cities must be available in the villages. – Jaggi Vasudev
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