Eddie Howe I don’t want to sound like a dictator but I don’t seek too much opinion from players. That’s not to say I won’t bounce things off them. But they are looking for you to lead. – Eddie Howe Bounce Quotes Dictator Quotes Lead Quotes Opinion Quotes Players Quotes Seek Quotes Sound Quotes Players need to play freely. They need to play without that weight of expectation and to concentrate on their normal game rather than worrying about what’s said about them afterwards. I didn’t even want to be a manager, I was just given an opportunity to do it and felt I shouldn’t say no.
DesignTarsem Singh Usually I design the lighting and when I have the physical set there, I’m not good at going out loosely and saying, ‘Do you what you want, give it to the editor, and he’ll figure it out.’ I physically then walk on with the actors and I say, ‘Let’s walk until you guys feel the space works for you, and tell me when all that happens.’ – Tarsem Singh
ChristmasJames Lankford Christmas is a great time to recommit to each other and our communities. – James Lankford
Jim Crace When you start a novel, it is always like pushing a boulder uphill. Then, after a while, to mangle the metaphor, the boulder fills with helium and becomes a balloon that carries you the rest of the way to the top. You just have to hold your nerve and trust to narrative. – Jim Crace
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