Jason Bateman I don’t worry about people misinterpreting my kindness for weakness. – Jason Bateman Kindness Quotes Misinterpreting Quotes People Quotes Weakness Quotes Worry Quotes I only wanted to get married once, so when I felt I was ready to handle it, I looked at my relationships and noticed that boyfriends get tired of girlfriends, and vice versa, but you never get tired of your friends. Marathons are good training goals.
Coleen Nolan When we have children, we have certain expectations of what the future will hold – rightly or wrongly – and it’s hard to accept you won’t be a grandparent if it’s something you’d hoped for. – Coleen Nolan
Louis XIVPeace My court was divided between peace and war according to their various interests, but I considered only their reasons. – Louis XIV
Miriam Shor Certainly my parents were very political, so the whole Berlin Wall thing – and being a kid of the ’80s – that’s just something that’s in your experience. – Miriam Shor
Cory Booker I just know that I’m innovative. I’m a quick thinker… In Washington, I just want to be a senator who finds a way to drive change and not figure out a way to conform. – Cory Booker
Jamie Wyeth To me, dance is so ethereal and elusive, so much of an illusion. After a performance, that’s it. With vocals and music, you have good recordings. – Jamie Wyeth
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