Sigrid I don’t write about nature, but I’m definitely very inspired by it. – Sigrid Inspired Quotes Nature Quotes Write Quotes The emotional power of creating something… Nothing gives me as much joy as that. My favourite thing about being in nature is that I feel so small and kind of insignificant.
Sudeep Telugu and Tamil actors have been so open-hearted and warm in welcoming me to be part of their industries. This appreciation from such people means a lot to me. – Sudeep
Sukarno It is, of course, true that I have given priority to the settling of the problem of security and the problem of Irian Barat, although I knew that in order to do these things, almost three-quarters of our national product had to be spent. – Sukarno
HappinessThornton Wilder When God loves a creature he wants the creature to know the highest happiness and the deepest misery He wants him to know all that being alive can bring. That is his best gift. There is no happiness save in understanding the whole. – Thornton Wilder
Reggie Watts Essentially a joke is creating an idea, whether sonic or visual, whether it’s something musical or a traditional joke. – Reggie Watts
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