Alfred EisenstaedtDreams I dream that someday the step between my mind and my finger will no longer be needed. And that simply by blinking my eyes, I shall make pictures. Then, I think, I shall really have become a photographer. – Alfred Eisenstaedt Blinking Quotes Dream Quotes Dreams Quotes Eyes Quotes Finger Quotes Mind Quotes Photographer Quotes Pictures Quotes Simply Quotes Step Quotes Dreams are true while they last, and do we not live in dreams? For me they are no different, reality and dreams.
Diana Wynne Jones It seems to me that humour is everybody’s way of keeping sane and standing off from the situations so that they can see it intellectually, as well as emotionally, and I don’t know whether you’ve noticed, but if somebody tells a joke, it’s nearly always a mini fantasy. – Diana Wynne Jones
Laura Lippman I spent grades one through nine in Baltimore City, leaving for reasons that had nothing to do with the quality of education I was receiving. – Laura Lippman
John Podhoretz I’ve worked as someone’s deputy, and now it’s time for me to run something. It’s time for me to run my own shop. – John Podhoretz
FamousKatharine Hepburn When I started out, I didn’t have any desire to be an actress or to learn how to act. I just wanted to be famous. – Katharine Hepburn
Henning Mankell I love Sherlock Holmes. There’s still an awful lot to steal from Conan Doyle. But within a tradition you can work in many different ways. – Henning Mankell
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