Karen Finerman I enjoy being on CNBC’s ‘Fast Money,’ in part so that audiences can watch a woman who is as well informed about, and invested in, the market as her male counterparts. – Karen Finerman Audiences Quotes Cnbcs Quotes Counterparts Quotes Enjoy Quotes Fast Quotes Informed Quotes Invested Quotes Male Quotes Market Quotes Money Quotes Watch Quotes Woman Quotes I have always wondered why more women did not look into owning their own funds. Granted, it is a high stress, high risk business, but it also offers high rewards and control.
John Dewey Luck, bad if not good, will always be with us. But it has a way of favoring the intelligent and showing its back to the stupid. – John Dewey
Daniel L Doctoroff I believe we’re all endowed with a very small set of narrow skills that make us unique. You’ve got to find what that is. Most often what you truly understand makes you unique is something that you’re also going to build passion around. – Daniel L Doctoroff
Amanda Lepore In school, I was Armand. In boys’ clothes. But so small and girlie, I thought I was a girl. – Amanda Lepore
Dito Montiel When I was a kid, I was into hardcore music. The scene in New York was tiny. Every person hanging out was in a band and played at the A7 Club. There was not much rehearsing or anything. Just doing. – Dito Montiel
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