Magic Johnson I enjoy being the messenger for God in terms of letting people know about HIV and AIDS. – Magic Johnson Aids Quotes Enjoy Quotes God Quotes Hiv Quotes Letting Quotes Messenger Quotes People Quotes Terms Quotes When you face a crisis, you know who your true friends are. Life doesn’t stop because something happens to you.
Selenis Leyva I believe in God. I got down on my knees and I said, ‘I get it. If this isn’t for me, then it isn’t for me.’ And then a week later, I started working. I worked on ‘The Following,’ I worked on ‘Elementary,’ I worked on a pilot and then I got ‘Orange.’ So literally from that moment of deep surrender, that’s when you’re blessed. – Selenis Leyva
Jaggi Vasudev Spiritual process means approaching your well-being in a scientific manner as a technology for well-being. – Jaggi Vasudev
Robert Wagner It’s sensational to be a part of a series that takes on a life of its own. – Robert Wagner
Don Willett There is a profound difference between an activist judge and an engaged judge. – Don Willett
Shaquill Griffin You play against receivers, they’re in one play and then they’ll put somebody else in, run you deep and get you tired. Then they’ll put their starters back in. – Shaquill Griffin
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