Salli Richardson I enjoy directing more when I don’t have to direct myself. I like when I can just be the director. – Salli Richardson Direct Quotes Directing Quotes Director Quotes Enjoy Quotes You don’t pass up roles that give you the opportunity to stretch and to grow. I just really want to do good work and work with some great people, people who challenge me.
Amit Shah I will not do anything against the basic principles of my party. The Bharatiya Janata Party will function under its declared policy. – Amit Shah
Samantha Shannon In 2011, I did an internship in Seven Dials, a junction in London where seven roads come together. I’d given up on writing after multiple rejections for my first novel, and I was starting to consider a career in publishing instead, but Seven Dials gave me such a strong idea for a setting that I couldn’t resist picking up my pen again. – Samantha Shannon
LeVar Burton It is no longer appropriate for me as an American to sit by and expect my government to get it done. – LeVar Burton
Ludovico Einaudi In Mali, you hear music everywhere. What is fantastic in Mali is the music tradition is handed down from father to son orally. It is not written. You learn from your father and add something, because you are living now and telling a story to others. This results in many different interpretations of the same song. – Ludovico Einaudi
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