Harrison Ford I enjoyed carpentry, and it was very good to me for 12 years. – Harrison Ford Carpentry Quotes Enjoyed Quotes I get mad when people call me an action movie star. Indiana Jones is an adventure film, a comic book, a fantasy. Hollywood’s got its own particular environment.
Jayson Tatum The Celtics were always going to pick me No. 1, but Philly didn’t know that. – Jayson Tatum
Chris Slade People always ask me what I did when things went wrong on stage with AC/DC. Nothing ever went wrong. I might drop a drum stick, maybe, but that was about the only thing. – Chris Slade
DadDakota FanningMom My dad named me Dakota and my mom came up with my first name Hannah. So it’s Hannah Dakota Fanning. – Dakota Fanning
Elif Batuman Every time a meteor comes close to the earth, we all think about the end of the world – but our internal soundtrack doesn’t turn off. We’re also thinking about pizza or passing a slow tractor or making a turn, and for a magical instant, our lives seem to be in conversation with the stars. – Elif Batuman
HealthRalph MarstonWork Rest when you’re weary. Refresh and renew yourself, your body, your mind, your spirit. Then get back to work. – Ralph Marston
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