Betsy Brandt I feel ‘Breaking Bad’ – maybe everybody says this about their show – I feel like this show is so special that I don’t ‘know’ that I necessarily really know what it’s like to do a regular show. – Betsy Brandt Bad Quotes Breaking Quotes Feel Quotes Regular Quotes Special Quotes I believe gelato is meant to be treated as medicine and taken daily as a prescription. I can tell you, we had a lot of fun at ‘Breaking Bad.’ You have to.
Johnny Weir There’s a lot in my closet. I’ve been collecting things since I was five. I’m definitely a pack rat. I’m not a hoarder, but I’m definitely a pack rat. I will keep anything if I have a memory in it or a good moment. – Johnny Weir
Bo Burnham what.’ is bombastic introspection. It’s large, colourful, and loud but hopefully intimate at the same time. – Bo Burnham
Philip Warren Anderson The first months at Harvard were more than challenging, as I came to the realization that the humanities could be genuinely interesting, and, in fact, given the weaknesses of my background, very difficult. – Philip Warren Anderson
Mary Karr For days on end, I avoid the Web, never logging in until about two or three, after I’ve written all morning. On a good week, I don’t go online till after Wednesday, so four or five days might lapse without my checking e-mail. – Mary Karr
Leana S Wen We came to the U.S. with $40. My parents were both professionals in China who had difficulty finding employment here. They worked multiple jobs, but we still really struggled. There were times when we could not make rent and were dependent on the good graces of people that we met, and sometimes we depended on shelters. – Leana S Wen
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