Daniel Jones I feel I work hard, I’ve worked hard before, and I’ve always worked hard for myself and worked hard for my teammates. I don’t think that changes, really. – Daniel Jones Feel Quotes Hard Quotes Teammates Quotes I think I have plenty of motivation. People come up and ask, ‘Are you Daniel Jones?’ and that’s always awkward. ‘Yeah, I am. How’s it going?’ People are nice.
Eugene Levy I think I’m the only actor in the history of film who got to slap Sam Jackson on the face and butt and lived to tell about it. – Eugene Levy
Nick Wooster I have to say, I love the summer, but I don’t love summer clothes to the degree I love fall clothes. – Nick Wooster
Adrian McKinty In the crime fiction section, you may just find a novel that talks about the place where you’re from and speaks to you about your life – or the life yours could have become if a little misfortune had come your way. – Adrian McKinty
Adam Yauch Every action that we take has some motivation of either being selfish or altruistic. All that adds up. – Adam Yauch
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