Kate BeckinsaleRomantic I feel like I’ve done a bunch of period stuff and then a bunch of romantic comedies. – Kate Beckinsale Bunch Quotes Comedies Quotes Feel Quotes Period Quotes Romantic Quotes Stuff Quotes When I was pregnant, I had the romantic idea that after the baby was born I would not only take up reading in earnest again, but also write a novel while my daughter slept in her Moses basket. Of course, I barely had time to keep up with my magazines until she started sleeping properly. I don’t want any romantics to go into the military. I’m not a pacifist. I think we need a military, and the better one we have, the better off we are. I don’t want kids going in there thinking that it’s John Wayne on Iwo Jima. That’s not healthy.
Marquis de Sade In order to know virtue, we must first acquaint ourselves with vice. – Marquis de Sade
Frank Lowy All my life from a young man I have worked very hard and I enjoyed it very much and I was really afraid with what I would do when I no longer had the responsibility. – Frank Lowy
Henry Reed It was Jung who first said to explain the symbol as if talking to a man from mars who knew nothing about our life on earth. – Henry Reed
Kameron Hurley I started writing books because I couldn’t find the books I wanted to read on the shelf. – Kameron Hurley
Elena Anaya I hope to grow up and see myself accepting myself and accepting time going by and everything falls. – Elena Anaya
Jinkx Monsoon I feel that drag queens impersonate very strong, independent women who inspired us throughout our lives. – Jinkx Monsoon
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