Imogen Heap I feel like I’ve grown up a bit. I’m a bit more confident, and I’ve been reading more, and I’ve had a little more time to myself. I went on this writing trip to gather my thoughts about where and who I am in this world, and why we’re all here. – Imogen Heap Bit Quotes Confident Quotes Feel Quotes Gather Quotes Grown Quotes Reading Quotes Time Quotes Trip Quotes Writing Quotes There’s this idea of a star, and this person is very aloof and writes all the music, and they don’t talk to anyone unless they go through the record label. And I always felt very uncomfortable about that. Twitter helps me connect to the people who help make my music, or the cycle of an album, complete. Without them experiencing the music, it doesn’t really exist, so it doesn’t make sense to not involve them.
Skip Bayless In the ’80s, I did two hours of cardio every day, split between running and the stationary bike. It was a trap – afterward I’d feel starving but also bulletproof, so I’d pig out. I slid into what I call exercise bulimia, when you’re running more and more miles so you can eat worse and worse food. – Skip Bayless
Martin FleischmannMedical It has been suggested at various times that I should start an operation in the United Kingdom but – bearing in mind my age and medical history – I think this would be not a very sensible way to go forward. – Martin Fleischmann
Sissy Spacek I had no fear ’cause it seemed everyone in the audience always applauded whatever I did. Course, maybe it was because I always seemed to know everyone in the audience. – Sissy Spacek
Mick Hucknall I feel enormously privileged to be part of the generation that witnessed the magic of the Beatles first hand, and I think ‘A Hard Day’s Night’ connected with my four-year-old self because it was the whole package: an album and a movie. – Mick Hucknall
Ilan Stavans I have always considered it a beautiful metaphor that Cervantes had no fixed address in Spain. He is thus everywhere and nowhere. There are a number of sites connected with his life, but none attract hordes of travellers the way Stratford-upon-Avon and the Globe Theatre in London draw Shakespeare aficionados. – Ilan Stavans
Pippa Middleton My father has developed a tradition of surprising us at some point by appearing in fancy dress. He buys a new costume each year and typically gets carried away. A couple of Christmases ago he appeared in an inflatable sumo outfit. It’s endearing, really, and only quite embarrassing. – Pippa Middleton
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