Seth Rogen I feel much more comfortable as a writer than an actor. I feel like I am a much better writer than I am an actor. – Seth Rogen Actor Quotes Comfortable Quotes Feel Quotes Writer Quotes I’m not one of those actors where filmmakers that I admire ask me to be in their movies. I meet them at parties and they’re nice to me, but they never ask me to work with them. I’m a complete coward in real life.
HumorRose McIver There is humor in the darkest of moments – People who I have loved and passed away, and very high stake situations where you can’t help but laugh. I think that’s very human. – Rose McIver
Chandra Wilson I was an only child for 16 years. I didn’t realize it at the time, but that experience definitely turned me into a people pleaser. I always tried to do what was expected of me, and I constantly sought reassurance from the adults around me that I was doing a good job. – Chandra Wilson
John Deacon In a way it costs thousands dollars before you could actually go out to put the show on because you’ll need equipments, all the lights you know, and that’s more just going out and playing you know. – John Deacon
FamousSadShoshanna Lonstein Gruss To presume that my greatest achievement is that I dated someone famous twenty years ago is completely sexist and anti-woman. It’s lazy, nasty journalism that makes me sad about our world. – Shoshanna Lonstein Gruss
Louis C K Life isn’t something you possess. It’s something you take part in, and you witness. – Louis C K
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