Richard Schiff I fell in love with my wife twenty years ago. I am only now, it seems, getting it through my very thick skull how lucky I am. – Richard Schiff Fell Quotes Love Quotes Lucky Quotes Skull Quotes Wife Quotes I remember the day Richard Nixon won in 1968. That was a time that seemed certain to bring about long awaited seismic change in America. But events of tragic proportion took us on a turn. Bobby Kennedy and Martin Luther King, Jr. were suddenly dead.
Big KRIT With music, it’s a therapy for me. So whatever I’m dealing with at the time, I talk about it when I rap. – Big KRIT
David Cage Stop making the same games about shooting something and driving; try something else. There is a market for that. – David Cage
Levon Helm I was in high school, trying to get out of high school. The only thing slowing me up was grades. – Levon Helm
Laurence J Peter In a hierarchy, every employee tends to rise to his level of incompetence. – Laurence J Peter
Dak Prescott My dad was a diehard Cowboys fan. I was raised as a Cowboy fan, and I was forced to be a Cowboy fan. – Dak Prescott
Kyrsten Sinema I have great respect for Sandra Day O’Connor. She has broken so many barriers for women in the law, and was a master negotiator and pragmatist in her days on the Supreme Court. – Kyrsten Sinema
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