Sarah Carter I find day after day of sunshine boring. – Sarah Carter Boring Quotes Day Quotes Sunshine Quotes I have followed my heart my whole life – the crazy kid, a contrarian by nature, and I’ve been in trouble in points in my career.
Juan Soto It doesn’t matter if it’s going good or it’s going bad. Just go out there, try to do my best. – Juan Soto
Jennifer Egan My last novel, ‘The Keep,’ was very explicitly technological, about the quality of living in a state constantly surrounded by disembodied presences, and I was thinking very much about the online experience. – Jennifer Egan
GreatOzzy Osbourne To be a liar, you’ve got to have a great memory, and I don’t have a memory. – Ozzy Osbourne
Scott Kelly It’s for us to take care of the air we breathe and the water we drink. And I do believe we have an impact on that, and we do have the ability to change it if we make the decision to. – Scott Kelly
Richard Morris There’s nothing stupider than bursting into song for seven seconds and then falling silent again. – Richard Morris
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