Aimee Bender I find I can write for two lines, and then I have nothing else to say. For me, the only way to find something comes through the sentence level and sticking with the sentences that give a subtle feeling that there’s something more to say. – Aimee Bender Feeling Quotes Level Quotes Lines Quotes Sentence Quotes Sentences Quotes Sticking Quotes Subtle Quotes Write Quotes I really like feeling connected to people and feeling like I have a good, solid sense of empathy. I think teaching keeps me honest because if I’m up in front of a class talking about what I think is important about fiction while knowing I myself have just failed to do that hours earlier at my computer – it’s a good and humbling reminder.
Kevin A Ford I took a Russian class at Notre Dame. Never in my wildest dreams did I think I would fly someday in a Russian spacecraft with two cosmonauts, speaking only Russian. – Kevin A Ford
Samantha Mumba I’m based in London now. I’m renting an apartment, making my own little home. It’s great because I am around people all the time and I need my own space to get away from it all. – Samantha Mumba
Cecily Brown I often avoid using the terms ‘figuration’ and ‘abstraction’ because I’ve always tried to have it both ways. I want the experience of looking at one of my paintings to be similar to the process of making the painting – you go from the big picture to something very intense and detailed, and then back again. – Cecily Brown
Metta World Peace I’ve had so much great teaching, and I’m one of the best defensive players to ever play the game on the wing. – Metta World Peace
Katherine Kelly I used to work at a pub called The Miner’s Rest, and the landlord, Dennis, taught me how to pour a proper pint – it’s the type of place where the regulars would send their drinks back if they weren’t right. – Katherine Kelly
Chad Kelly I’ve learned to keep your mouth shut even when something bad is going on. You never know how someone is going to take something you say. You have to bite the bullet. – Chad Kelly
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