Dana Goodyear I find that people in the food world are amazingly willing to talk about what they are doing, even when those things are quasi-legal or taboo. – Dana Goodyear Amazingly Quotes Food Quotes People Quotes Quasilegal Quotes Taboo Quotes Talk Quotes I think for diners, it is about crafting an identity around food which we have not really had in a mainstream way in this country. So there is a mass movement of people who identify themselves through their food preferences or even just that they prioritize food – that’s where we get this idea of being a foodie. I don’t think that I ever believed that poetry would be a career. I have always thought of poems as something more private than professional… I would never introduce myself as a poet. I will always have some other thing that I am.
KnowledgeR Buckminster Fuller Parents are usually more careful to bestow knowledge on their children rather than virtue, the art of speaking well rather than doing well; but their manners should be of the greatest concern. – R Buckminster Fuller
Colin Wilson Criminals interest me, because they’re driven by the same desires as we are, but they take these disastrous shortcuts and end up in a real mess. – Colin Wilson
Laura Branigan When you’re on stage, the audience becomes your other half. It’s the ultimate high you can reach as a musician – an incredible feeling. And no matter where I am it’s still the same; there’s a reason we call music the universal language. – Laura Branigan
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