Kate Nash I first got into punk music at 17, The Adverts, just from being a bored teenager. – Kate Nash Adverts Quotes Bored Quotes Music Quotes Punk Quotes Teenager Quotes I just wanna be an artist, like someone like Bjork and Kate Bush and Regina Spektor. These are people that have saved people, I think, by being what they are. I love punks!
Ennio Morricone I want people to know about all the kinds of music that I write. Some believe I just write film scores, which is not true. – Ennio Morricone
Ranbir Kapoor What really matters is your movies and how good a person you are. Otherwise, tabloids and news channels writing about you only builds your curiosity and stardom and propels you to reach wider places. – Ranbir Kapoor
Daphne Koller Our approach to education has remained largely unchanged since the Renaissance: From middle school through college, most teaching is done by an instructor lecturing to a room full of students, only some of them paying attention. – Daphne Koller
Naomi Alderman The demands of having to be ‘masculine’ are as damaging to men as the demands of having to be ‘feminine’ are to women. I wish we could all agree just to wash it all away. Begin again. – Naomi Alderman
Juan Diego Florez When I’m doing sports, I always think of how it’s related to singing, and when I watch tennis, I learn a lot for my singing: how the players are focused, how they use their technique, and, in the case of Roger Federer, how effortless it is and how beautiful it is to watch – like bel canto, in a way. That’s how singing should be. – Juan Diego Florez
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