Rebecca Serle I get asked a lot what books I recommend for a nursery, home library, etc., and I always tell parents to start with what they loved as children, what they want to share, and broaden out from there. – Rebecca Serle Books Quotes Broaden Quotes Children Quotes Library Quotes Lot Quotes Loved Quotes Nursery Quotes Parents Quotes Recommend Quotes Share Quotes Start Quotes The Borrowers’ is the story of tiny people who live beneath the floorboards of houses and borrow from the occupants. I may have tried to pull up a plank or two because of it. I don’t have to mumble something under my breath when someone asks me what I do anymore. I can just say, definitively, ‘I’m an author.’ And the best part? That’s not a myth. That’s just the truth.
Denise Lewis You never remember what you say to the Queen, she just has this aura about her. – Denise Lewis
Ross Levinsohn I truly believe that Yahoo! is one of the most compelling and dominant companies in the world. – Ross Levinsohn
Jimi Manuwa I’m an explosive fighter so I’ve always got to have that strength, but you’ve got to mix it with endurance. – Jimi Manuwa
FailureLifeMaude Adams Life is so fresh, life is every day so new if we are fighting, only for the best. Sometimes I think the only real satisfaction in life is failure, failure in your endeavor to do your best. – Maude Adams
Richard Edelman The dominant advertising advantage of Clinton, with spending of 10 to 1 over Trump, reinforced the perception that she was trying to buy, rather than earn, votes. – Richard Edelman
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