Dan Aykroyd I get offers all the time from film makers, but they are unknown quantities. I don’t go there and do experiments. – Dan Aykroyd Experiments Quotes Film Quotes Makers Quotes Offers Quotes Quantities Quotes Time Quotes Unknown Quotes Hygiene is important. That’s one of my failings. So I’m always being called on that. I bought an island in 1987. It’s in one of the lakes in Canada. I went around it in my boat and went to the real estate office and bought it. It’s the best $65,000 I’ve ever spent. My family camp on it and we have great times there.
Greg Boyle What do we know to be true about gang violence? We know we will fail if we fixate on the symptoms and not address what undergirds it. – Greg Boyle
Jamie Cullum It’s a blessing and a curse when your first big public album does so well. ‘Twentysomething’ sold four million copies – I think we were hoping to sell 80,000. And it’s still selling. In some ways, you’ll always be defined by that. – Jamie Cullum
Sylvia Earle Bottom trawling is a ghastly process that brings untold damage to sea beds that support ocean life. It’s akin to using a bulldozer to catch a butterfly, destroying a whole ecosystem for the sake of a few pounds of protein. We wouldn’t do this on land, so why do it in the oceans? – Sylvia Earle
Rajinikanth How you communicate while criticising a film is important. Don’t pass any hurtful remarks. – Rajinikanth
Penelope Lively I’m not an historian and I’m not wanting to write about how I perceive the social change over the century as a historian, but as somebody who’s walked through it and whose life has been dictated by it too, as all our lives are. – Penelope Lively
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