Daniel Tosh I go to the dentist every six months, I get a cleaning, so… I’m fortunate enough that those fluoride treatments as a child worked. Not getting any cavities. – Daniel Tosh Cavities Quotes Child Quotes Cleaning Quotes Dentist Quotes Fluoride Quotes Fortunate Quotes Months Quotes Treatments Quotes The great thing about Los Angeles is that you can get so much money in this town by constantly failing. You can get a lot of television deals that don’t go anywhere, but you still get paid. It’s funny… you can make fun of AIDS or Haiti, but if you make fun of some starlet in Hollywood’s looks? That’s like the one thing… the line you are not to cross.
Elizabeth Diller I hate digital calendars, so I use pen and paper or the palm of my hand for my daily schedule. I get much more satisfaction out of physically crossing things out than deleting. – Elizabeth Diller
Bobby DeolPositive I think you have to always stay focused and positive. If your positive energy dies out, like it happened to me for some time, then you can’t do anything. – Bobby Deol
Dan Amboyer I am one of four, so I have two sisters and a brother, and I’m the youngest. – Dan Amboyer
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