Barry Jenkins I got into film school. I went and didn’t know anything about it. Over the course of two years, I kind of got kind of good at it. You know, I had a brief moment where I wasn’t sure if I could do it. I didn’t know you needed light to expose film. – Barry Jenkins Expose Quotes Film Quotes Light Quotes Moment Quotes School Quotes We are carrying these images out into the world, and we can’t control how people contextualize those images no matter how virtuous our aspirations and our intentions are. I just came back from my hometown, making a movie about a kid who grew up just like me, and it was financed by white people in New York. Personally, I can’t be angry. In my personal experience, the support was there.
Naval Ravikant Be present. Be meditative. Form real friendships. Stay away from business networking events or friendships where there is always an underlying business angle. – Naval Ravikant
Fred Frith There’s an awful lot of resources that can be drawn upon in an improvised music concert. – Fred Frith
Maya Lin My grandfather, on my father’s side, helped to draft one of the first constitutions of China. He was a fairly well-known scholar. – Maya Lin
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