James Acaster I got left for Mr. Bean. I found out a year after we split up. I opened the newspaper and there was a full-page story. No one else in the history of time has ever been left for Mr. Bean. – James Acaster Bean Quotes Fullpage Quotes History Quotes Left Quotes Newspaper Quotes Split Quotes Story Quotes Time Quotes I remember being four or five, not understanding how to be funny, so just going around the house and my mum and dad’s friends, confusing adults by saying weird things. There’s not many comedy characters that make me laugh as much as The Rock does; it’s nice to have a big muscly guy being funny and stupid.
Gianfranco Zola With Jorginho it depends what type of football you want to play. If you want to play possession where you have the ball all the time and you play a lot of passes, there are not many as good as him around. If you ask Jorginho to cover 50 metres of pitch in width and get all the balls back, it’s going to be difficult. – Gianfranco Zola
Jodie Foster I wish that I spoke more languages. I speak a couple languages, but not well enough to really dub myself. French is really the only one, and it’s a difficult thing. – Jodie Foster
Britney Spears Just because I look sexy on the cover of Rolling Stone doesn’t mean I’m naughty. – Britney Spears
Robert Webb Ambiguity around ambiguity is forgivable in an unpublished poet and expected of an arts student on the pull: for a professional comedian demoting himself to the role of ‘thinker’, with stadiums full of young people hanging on his every word, it won’t really do. – Robert Webb
CarKen Jennings If I start outsourcing all my navigation to a little talking box in my car, I’m sort of screwed. I’m going to lose my car in the parking lot every single time. – Ken Jennings
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