Sabaa Tahir I grew up in an isolated town, out in the middle of the Mojave Desert in the middle of a naval base. My family was one of the only South Asian families in this town. We felt it. We knew. – Sabaa Tahir Asian Quotes Base Quotes Desert Quotes Families Quotes Family Quotes Grew Quotes Isolated Quotes Middle Quotes Mojave Quotes Naval Quotes South Quotes Town Quotes I like to write when things are calm – and when I’m not worried about my well-being, the well-being of those I love. When I asked myself what I’d want to see in a comic about a Pakistani superhero, the first word that came to mind was ‘relatable.’
Ron Livingston We sort of think that science is about the known, but science is really about exploring the unknown. – Ron Livingston
Penelope Wilton I am drawn to characters that go on journeys, characters that are real people, that have life. – Penelope Wilton
George Groves Once I’ve got that world title I’ll never want to lose it. I’ll fight tooth and nail to keep it. – George Groves
Gus Van Sant I’ve told people who have just started to make a film that the one thing you might experience is this feeling that everybody is conspiring against you, because you’re not necessarily able to tell what’s real and what’s not. – Gus Van Sant
Rachel Lambert Mellon I’m nearly blind. I can hardly see. But I’m taking some herbs. Something quacky. – Rachel Lambert Mellon
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